Donnerstag, 29. November 2007

Tja ja and here I'm already again :p Just have qiúite a bit time at the moment- it's called holidays :) this week our International-Group (3Brasilien,4Japaneese,14germans and 1Danish) plus the international Group of Cashmere High/an other school (3Chily,1Jamaican, 3Japaneese and a German) went on a little SouthIsland trip. On our firts day we went up to nelson. it's the the sunniest city of newzealand but except of an museum and the beach (not the picture above) we couldn't see anything of it.

On Tuesday we took the waterTaxi into tasman Park. This is a beautyful natur reserve where we had a great beach day and a nice Kayaking tour (and no, the picture is not out of a brochure! I took it myselfe and it actually looked like this. Unbeliveable but true!)

This are Christina(left) and Verena(right) and I hope you still know the person in the middle(me! :p) at the golden beaches of able tasman park!
On wednesday we went white water rafting with these lovely wetsuits. We also got rainjackets,safetyjackets and helmets although it was soooooooo hot! Of the actually rafting I dont't have any photos because it was to wet and riscy to take my camera. But it was awesome. In the water it wasn's hot anymore and jumping from a 8m cliff, swimming through a rapid, standing on the outside of the boat during a rapid was just great!

On thursday we went to shantytow, a made up town showing the time of the gold rush in NZ. That was ok (if you just do it once :p) We could pan our own gold and I got a bit worth $2 :)

In the afternoon we went to a little bay called Trueman's Bay. It was wonderful and ja, that's just some people down there(not all). We waited until the tide came in and then we had a stop at the famous pancake rocks and a BBQ for dinner.
On friday we finally went home from Greymouth over the Arthurs Pass. I dunno why put the pc can't load the pics from that at the moment. Never mind. I will load them sometime later. Joa, that was my week and now I cause me movie starts. CU guys. man hört sich

Freitag, 23. November 2007

Also Hallo erstmal, ich hab grad ein wenig Zeit und dachte mir ich stell mal ein paar Bilder von letzter Woche rein. Während die armen Kiwis nämlich ihre Examen schreiben, machen wir "Internationals" uns eine schöne Zeit!

Am Montag sind wir nach "Willow Bank" gefahren. Das ist eine Art Maori-Experience-Museum. Dort haben wir traditionelle Tänze und Spiele gelernt, hatten wir Spass und haben einiges über Neuseelands Natur gelern.
Am Dienstag waren wir klettern morgens und haben neben normalen Wänden unsere nerven auch an ausergewöhnlichem erprobt.

Am Mittwoch haben wir dann einen super Ausflug auf eine private Insel in unserem kleinen Hafen Lyttelton gemacht. Wir waren Segeln(wir selbst!) und haben den restlichen Nachmittag dann am Strand verbracht.

Am Donnerstag hatten wir dann eine schicke Pool Party im Haus von unserem International-Coordinator. War echt lustig. UUUUUUUuunglaublich heiß und nach dem ganzen Essen, Tennis und Volleyball spielen war der Pool unser liebstes Ziel.

Joa und gestern,Freitag, haben wir dann in einer anderen Schule Netball und Touch rugby gelernt. Das war auch klasse (tschuldige hab die Bilder noch nicht auf dem Rechner bis jetzt) bis auf die Tatsache, dass man sich bei 36°C eigentlich nicht mehr bewegen will!!!!

Tja und dass war's auch schon wieder von mir. Bis balde

Samstag, 17. November 2007

Hi guys,

this thursday I finished school here and after a public holiday yesterday(big agriculture show) I start my nearl 2 Months holiday :) I just watched Narnia in tv and hope to talk to my parents soon. Today I went to the beach with a friend and tomorrow I might go to town with an other friend. It's kind of quite sad to know that I have to leave now because it just started to get easier with the Kiwis :( I mean I know there are a lot of things I can look forward to...

An other topic: here are some pictures of our farewell "party" at school.It's me with Verena (left photo) and me with Liana (right photo) It was quite funny. Kind of boring beacuse we just got an envelope with an certificat and a bit of other infos, they said something stupid about erveryone and then we got something small to eat. Naja. Do you want some more photos?
Ok that's Eri and me in our formclass room. We had awesome pizza for our own class-farewell. Jaja you can be jealous! :) It was great! By the way that's my sommer uniform (I know I look horrible on the photo but Eri is looking so good, so...)
Joa, the other photos aren't very interesting for you beacause you can't see really something on them. Tja, if my lovely parents don't answer I at least don't want to miss the beginning of pink pantha in tv. So see you guys :)